
Minggu, 25 November 2012

Segala Sesuatu Tentang Yoona SNSD

Fakta unik Yoona :
1. Yoona lahir pada 30 Mei 1990.
2. YoonA memiliki julukan Deer (rusa) karena tingkahnya yang sangat aktif. Julukan ini diberikan oleh Daesung di acara FO.
3. Yoona memiliki julukan YoonA Nya (Strong YoonA) karena dia merupakan member terkuat di SNSD, bahkan mungkin bisa dibilang member terkuat di antara semua member GB Korea.
4. Yoona merupakan 2nd Leader Dance of SNSD.

5. YoonA merupakan anak bungsu dari 2 bersaudara.
6. YoonA memiliki seorang eonnie (kakak perempuan).
7. YoonA telah ditinggal ibunya saat masih kecil karena bercerai.
8. Saat ini, YoonA merupakan kebanggaan keluarganya.
9. Jika disuruh memilih, YoonA lebih suka kalung sebagai item/perhiasan favoritnya.

10. YoonA merupakan salah satu member paling jahil dan usil di SNSD.
11. Sebelum debut, SM pernah meminta dengan sangat kepada Yoona, “Tolong bersikaplah layaknya perempuan”
12. Salah satu kejahilan Yoona, dia pernah membangunkan Yuri tengah malam hanya untuk nunjukin kaki ayam, dan itu bikin Yuri BT
13. Yoona dan Jessica pernah membuat kimbab dan sandwich “beracun” buat ngerjain Sooyoung dan Tiffany dengan mencampuri bahan makanan dengan berbagai bumbu secara berlebihan, lalu Sooyoung ngebalas dengan membuat sereal dengan campuran garam (hampir 1 bungkus) dan member yang kena adalah Yoona, Yuri dan Sunny

14. YoonA pernah dikerjain sama Taeyeon & Hyoyeon dengan dibekali coklat pahit.
15. Yoona pernah nakut-nakutin Jessica dengan ketimun padahal YoonA tau kalau Jessica membenci ketimun.
16. YoonA tidak bisa memasak (sama seperti Jessica).
17. Saat ditanya “YoonA, kamu adalah member tercantik di SNSD. Benar atau tidak?”. YoonA menjawab “Ne / Ya”.
18. YoonA sangat gemar makan, dan dia merupakan The 2nd Shikshin (God Of Food) setelah Sooyoung.

19. YoonA pernah merasa bahwa dia bukanlah kakak yang baik untuk Seohyun.
20. YoonA pernah berkata bahwa dia kurang suka menyanyi, tetapi sangat menyukai akting.
21. YoonA tidak pernah menyangka kalau seorang Goo Hye Sun sangat mengidolakannya.

22. Di Jepang, makanan favorit YoonA adalah Sukiyaki dan Inari sushi.
23. YoonA memilik tipe kulit kering.
24. YoonA selalu menggunakan masker wajah sebelum tidur.

25. YoonA bisa melawan seorang pria, dalam adu panco.
26. Saking kuatnya, saat grup melakukan perjalanan, pekerjaan Yoona adalah membawa koper yang berat.
27. Saat masih trainee dulu Yoona pernah naksir Yuchun TVXQ.

28. Saat sekoloah, Yoona satu sekolah dengan Seohyun.
29. YoonA terkenal sebagai Ratu Iklan karena telah banyak membintangi CF.
30. YoonA dianggap sebagai mascot SNSD.

31. YoonA pernah memarahi member SUJU Karena telah membuat SeoHyun menangis.
32. Yoona dan Hyoyeon pernah balapan sepeda di jalanan di Apgujung.
33. Tulisan mandarin Yoona waktu masih duduk di SMU terjual di web seharga $1.00
34. Saat sekamar Yoona , Sooyoung dan Taeyeon pernah menangkap kecoa dan membakarnya
35. Cerita mengenai pengalaman Yoona, Taeyeon, dan Sooyoung sebagai teman sekamar menjadi legenda bagi SME.

36. FTTS’s Brian pernah bilang di Strong Heart “ aku akan menjadikan Yoona pacarku “. Leeteuk langsung ke tempat duduk Yoona dan nutupin kuping Yoona agar Yoona tidak mendengar perkataan Brian, maklum saja, Leetuk menyukai YoonA.
37. Yoona merupakan member SNSD dengan fans terbanyak di Jepang.
38. Fans YoonA mengatakan bahwa YoonA adalah idaman semua pria.

39. Saat awal debut, YoonA sering absen saat SNSD mendapat tawaran CF atau acara lainnya karena dia masih sekolah.
40. Yoona pernah digosipkan berpacaran dengan Taecyeon 2PM, Lee Sung gi dan Yesung SUJU, padahal itu tidak benar karena mereka lah yang menyukai YoonA.
41. YoonA mengatakan bahwa member GB Tercantik menurutnya Sulli F(x).

42. Ryewook pernah membuat lagu untuk YoonA.
43. Saat Yoona mengikuti tantangan Happy Share, Kang In memberi masukan buat Yoona.
44. YoonA sejujurnya khawatir masalah bahasa Jepang, dan dia akan belajar bahasa Jepang lebih baik lagi.
45. Kata-kata Jepang favorit YoonA adalah “Doki Doki” (“Deg-deg” an kalo bahasa Indonesianya) dan “Arigatou Gozaimasu” (Terima Kasih).

46. Para member SNSD berkata, ” YoonA sangat populer dan karena penampilannya di banyak show.”
47. Untuk pertanyaan, siapa member paling populer diantara mereka, Jessica dan Tiffany memilih YoonA sementara Sunny dan Soo Young memilih Tae Yeon.
48. Karena YoonA tampil di sebuah drama, kelompok usia fansnya menjadi bervariasi. Nenek – nenek dan kakek – kakek juga menyukai YoonA.
49. Yoona pernah berlibur dengan fans karena kontes dari Inisfree (CF Yang memakai YoonA sebagai ikonnya).
50. Yoona sudah 2 kali memenangkan penghargaan Best New Actress (45th Baeksang Arts Awards dan KBS Drama Awards)

51. Angka faforit YoonA adalah 93
52. YoonA tidak menyukai pria yang berwajah maskulin.
53. Lagu Faforit YoonA di SNSD adalah Complete
54. YoonA menyukai warna biru.
55. YoonA memiliki hobi pergi ke kamar mandi anak laki-laki.


56. YoonA gemar bermain Go-Stop (Poker Versi Korea) saat masih SD.
57. Dong Woon, Hyun Seung dan Jun Hyung B2ST memilih YoonA sebagai gadis faforit di SNSD
58. Buah faforit YoonA adalah Strawberry
59. Cowok ideal YoonA saat ini adalah Kimura Takuya, padahal sebelumnya adalah Danniel Henney
60. Kalau Yuri suka memanggil YoonA karena ingin mendengar suara lucu YoonA, beda halnya dengan Tiffany karena dia tidak suka cara berbicara YoonA yang seperti anak kecil.

61. YoonA selalu membuat wajah imut sedikit marah apabila Yuri bersedih
62. Di dalam Fans club daum, dia memiliki anggota terbesar di dalam SNSD.
63. YoonA memilih Pulau BALI sebagai tempat bulan madunya.
64. YoonA sangat suka membungkuk sangat redah
65. YoonA sangat suka naik Roller Coaster

66. Menurut HyoYeon walaupun Yoona tampak tenang dan sulit untuk didekati, dia sebenarnya adalah salah satu anggota Soshi yang ramah.
67. Kalau kemarin YoonA suka pake’ masker sebelum tidur, dia juga selalu makan sereal sebelum tidur.
68. Ternyata YoonA itu tamu tetap Radio SUJU Kiss
69. Dana CSJH (The Grace) adalah guru vocal YoonA

70. Jam tidur YoonA kurang dari 10 jam per minggu
71. Yoona telah mengakui bahwa dia tidak pernah punya pacar atau siapapun yang mengejar dia. Hal ini karena dia ingin mengejar karir sebelum mengejar cinta pada saat ini.
72. Pernah membuat Hyoyeon mendengarkan dia sampai larut pagi.
73. Jessica berpendapat bahwa YoonA merupakan dongsaeng yang lucu.
74. YoonA suka lagu Ballad

75. YoonA ingin menikah diusia 27-28 tahun, tapi sekarang berubah menjadi 32 tahun.
76. Yoona menggunakan 3 jenis parfum tapi dia lebih suka menggunakan Minyak Issey.
77. Ketika YoonA marah, dia akan mengeluarkan kata “Im Marah” ribuan kali.
78. YoonA adalah ratu ngemil saat tengah malam

79. YoonA ingin tersenyum seperti Sunny
80. Fans YoonA dikalangan artis biasanya artis cowok
81. YoonA disebut mesin cuci piring SNSD Karena dialah yang sering mencuci piring
82. YoonA memiliki 2 kepribadian, yaitu pria dan wanita


83. Kebanyakan fans YoonA di Korea adalah Ibu-ibu dan orang berumur.
84. Tempat YoonA pertama kali pergi keluar negeri adalah Australia.
85. YoonA sangat menyukai es krim coklat mint
86. Sebenarnya, YoonA tidak bisa berenang

87. YoonA tidak menindik telinganya
88. Orang-orang berpendapat YoonA memiliki ekspresi wajah yang “awesome”.
89. Tahun ini, YoonA terpilih sebagai artis dengan senyum terindah di Korea.
90. Di dalam grup SNSD, YoonA yang sering memperlihatkan sisi naturalnya.

91. Memiliki ketakutan kamera (pada 2009) ketika kesalahpahaman dengan sesama anggota, Tiffany, datang ke dalam fokus di media Korea.
92. Anggota soshi yg paling sering berhubungan dengannya ialah Yuri.
93. Dia punya ketawa yang khas (mulut buaya)
94. Musim favoritnya ialah musim dingin.

95. Yoona punya mata yang tidak simetris.
96. Yoona berbagi uang yang dia dapat dari tahun baru dengan anggota lainnya
97. Dia ingin menjadi koki kalau dia bukan penyanyi. Walaupun dia tahu dia kurang pintar masak, tapi dia bilang dia suka memasak.

98. Pada salah satu episode Champagne, Yoona suka pria yang lebih tua darinya sekitar 5 tahun.
99. Dia pernah tertidur di salon.
100. Dia punya dua pasang lesung pipit. Yang sepasang berukuran kecil, yang sepasang lagi besar.
101. Yoona tidak mempermasalahkan soal tinggi badan ketika berbicara tentang cowo idealnya, tapi dia bilang sedikit lebih tinggi dari dia akan bagus

102. Ketika Yoona terkejut, dia akan berkata “aku kaget!” ratusan kali dalam sehari.
103. Yoona dan Taeyeon adalah anggota yang diaudisi. Sisanya dipilih.
104. Yoona adalah anggota yang paling dekat dengan anggota-anggota super junior, terutama Leeteuk, Eunhyuk, Yesung, dan Ryeowook.

Yoona's Fanboys List : (anda memasuki post berbahasa Inggris)

2AM JoKwon admits that he thinks that Yoona is the prettiest among idol girl groups; wanted Yoona as his wife on WGM. (SangSangPlus; 2009 MNet Super100 Idols; Golden Fishery)
2PM Chansung (Idol Army Ep. 08 & 09; SGB: Idol Special; Article)
2PM Junho chose Yoona (SBG: Idol Special) & he was the most jealous over Taecyeon-Yoona's Performance. (Interview)
2PM Nichkhun has consistently chosen Yoona in shows or as his Ideal Girl Type & he likes her smile. (Idol Army Ep. 08 & 09; SangSangPlus; Star King; Article; We Got Married; Champagne)
2PM Taecyeon thinks she is pretty; bought her a 'Y' necklace & perfume; liked her since the beginning; according to Wonder Girls, he couldn't stop talking about her; admitted that they are close. (SGB: Idol Special; Family Outing Season 2 Ep. 1-15; NAN Ep. w/ 2PM)
AK Andy Chen Yi, *Taiwanese actor & idol*, seems to like Yoona as he took a picture of himself and Yoona's Innisfree Cardboard.
B1A4 Gongchan is a fan of SNSD's YoonA; he wore a sticker of YoonA to one of his group's function; he brought a Vita500 drink (endorsed by SNSD) with her picture on it to another function. (MBC Every1's Weekly Idols, 14.01.2012; at various B1A4 functions in 2012)
B2ST DongWoon chose Yoona as his favorite SNSD member. (Sukira 10.03.12; PKL Starry Night Radio 10.03.28)
B2ST HyunSeung chose Yoona as his favorite SNSD member. (Sukira 10.03.12; PKL Starry Night Radio 10.03.28)
B2ST JunHyung chose Yoona as his favorite SNSD member; thought of Yoona first when asked to name his future child with his surname, saying 'Yong Yoona'. (Sukira 2010.03.12; PKL Starry Night 2010.03.28; Interview)
B2ST Lee Ki Kwang shyly confessed to liking Yoona even though he was scared of future articles. (MBC's Hot Brother 05.12.2010)
BigBang Daesung acted like he had a crush on her. (Family Outing Ep. 36 & 37)
BigBang G-Dragon chose Yoona as his 'Ideal Girl' between 4 SNSD members; seemed impressed & starstruck when he saw Yoona. (MVAD (2 episodes); Strong Heart Ep. 66)
Block B Jaehyo (Starry Night; Oct 2011)
Bobby Kim *South Korean singer* (KJE chocolate)
Boyfriend HyunSeong want to spend his Christmas with SNSD's YoonA. (ShimShim TaPa, 22.11.2011)
Brian Joo, *ex-FTTS member*, said Yoona is the closest to his Ideal Type; wants to make her his woman; asked Eunhyuk whom she likes better between him and Lim Changjung. (Strong Heart Ep. 3-4)
Choi Hyunwoo, *National (Korea) Magician*, was flirting through the show with Yoong. (Star King Ep. 191)
Choi Jae Hwan, *actor*, said that Yoona has a very delicate charm that makes men (including him) want to protect & save her from harm; chose Yoona as his ideal girl. (Need source)
Chun Jung Myung, *actor*, likes Yoona & Taeyeon. (KBS 2TV ‘Yeoyumanman’)
C.N.BLUE JungShin said that he likes Yoona and chose her as his Ideal Type. (SBS Power FM; We Got Married)

Dasoku (蛇足), *Japanese singer on Nico Nico Douga*, tweeted: "Yoona is too cute, what should I do?". (Dasoku's Personal Twitter: @dasoku_niconico, 29.06.2011)
Donghyun *child actor* (SGB)
Epik High Mithra Jin picked Yoona as his favorite Soshi & as his Ideal Girl; Heechul revealed that Mithra talks about Yoona in the same way he talks about Sohee. (SGB; Heechul's Young Street Radio 04.28.2010)
F.Cuz Kan said he wanted to do 'We Got Married' with Yoona because she's his Ideal Type. (Article)
Fahrenheit Calvin Chen, *Taiwanese idol*, picked Yoona (and TaengSic) as his favorite SNSD members.
FortLeeMusic (Kevin Hyunjoong Lee), *Korean-American music producer, song writer & singer*, dedicated to Yoona a Cover Remix of GD/TOP's "Oh Yeah" that he made himself.
FT Island Minhwan was overcome with joy when Yoona chose him (Mnet Dr Wide News V Day Special); he also said that Yoona supports him by giving him acting tips and that they keep contact through texting (Article); said she is his favorite member and sent her a video message. (Sukira, 15.02.2012).
Go Young Wook, *ex-member of Roo'ra, comedian*, said "I like you." to Yoona. (Strong Heart Ep. 104, 2012)
Haha (Ha Dong Hoon), *entertainer*, shouted "Yoona jjang!"; acts mad when she doesn't choose him, and elated when she does; is her biggest fan; wanted her as a permanent member on RM. (Running Man Ep. 39 & ??)
Han Sun-soo, *volleyball bronze medalist*
Hiroaki Ito, *Music Station & TV Asahi Producer*, often tweets about Yoona & in one of them he said 'Yoona looked cute.'. (Ito's Personal Twitter: @inagito, July 2011)
Hong Jikung, *dentist*, would give Yoona free examinations forever. (1 vs. 100 with Yoona)
Hwang Jung Min, *actor*, said he wanted to meet SNSD and especially Yoona; he's willing to exchange Hyoyeon and Sooyoung for her. (Interview (Innolife.net & Digital YTN))
Jang Geun Suk aka 'Prince of Asia', *actor, singer*, said "First of all, I'm YoonA's fan. In order to help my co-star be in her best condition, I secretly put YoonA's favorite treats, like coffee, by her car every morning. I am fulfilling my duty as a SONE." YoonA teased him by denying it, so he added, "While it wasn't everyday, I was very attentive to her, bringing her coffee most days." (Several News articles, Dec. 2011-Jan.2012)
Jay Park, *ex-2PM member, singer*, chose SNSD as the best idol girl group and chose Yoona in SNSD; when Yoona greeted him very welcomingly at NeYo's concert, he was happy. (Sukira 2011.05.09)
Joo Jin Mo, *actor*, his ideal type is someone with pure and innocent side and he gave Yoona as an example of such, thus revealing his true admiration for her. His video message to her: "YoonA, I hope to meet up with you someday. I will always cheer you on." ('Rising Star' corner of Section TV Entertainment News; TV Report)
Jung Woo Sung *actor* (Interview)

Kadokura Ken, *pro-baseball player*, wrote that he will cherish YoonA's signed Japanese 'GENIE' CD. (Personal blog)
Kang JiHwan *actor* (need a source; KBS 2008 Drama Awards)
Kangta, *ex-H.O.T. leader/member*, thinks YoonA is the prettiest SNSD member. (Golden Fishery (07.07.2010))
Kim DongHyun, *Kim GuRa’s son*, wrote her a letter & admitted to liking her. (Intimate Note; another show)
Kim Dong Ryul *singer-songwriter* spoke his mind and said that he likes YoonA. (Park Myung-soo's Radio Show)
Kim Hwang-Hyun, *baseball star player*, wants to take YoonA to his prom.
Kim Hyung Bum, *actor*, wants YoonA to be his wife. (SGB: SNSD Special)
Kim In Kwon, *actor*, said he likes YoonA. *NEED OFFICIAL TRANSLATION* (Section TV 26.06.2011)
Kim Jong Kook, *ex-Turbo member, singer*, said YoonA is his #1 favorite Soshi & that even from afar, she is shining. (2FM Hong JinKyung’s Open Space Music program (2010); Family Outing Ep. 36; Running Man Ep. 39)
Kim Sooro, *actor*, acts like a fanboy whenever he meets her and members always tease him when she comes. (Family Outing Ep. 36 & 37)
Kim Yo-Han, *South Korea volleyball player*, said the girl he would like to have a scandal with is YoonA. (2010 Seoul Music Awards)

Koike Koh, *CEO of Japan's Oricon Corporation*, was asked to choose between Taeyeon & YoonA and he said "For me, it would be YoonA (laughs)." (1st Gaon Chart KPOP Awards 2012, 22.02.2012)
Lee Jun Ki, *actor, model, singer*, sent a video message to YoonA from the Army (02.02.2011); said that YoonA was his favorite member (tvN News, 17.02.2012)
Lee Se Chang, *actor*, is a YoonA fanboy & he even thought of her while he was beside his wife. (Manwon Happiness a.k.a. Happy Shares Company)
Lee Seunggi *actor, singer* chose YoonA as his 'Ideal Girl' multiple times; thinks that she's pretty & has shown interest. (Champagne; Strong Heart Ep. 1-5, 18-19; Come To Play (02.05.2011))
Lee Seung Hoon *Vancouver Winter Olympics Gold medalist (speed skating)* (on 2 Variety Shows)
Lee Yong Dae, *Beijin Olympic Gold medalist (badminton)*, chose her as his Ideal Woman multiple times, most recently in March 2012; he also said: "I actually like YoonA. I fell in love with her feminine and innocent looks, as well as her aegyo-filled yet tomboyish personality – all of which are qualities that I look for in the woman of my dreams." (Article; TV Report)
Lim Changjung, *actor & singer*, said Yoona is his Ideal Type; when he made eye contact with her, "it freshened my mood & it was so nice"; he thought she was interested in him. (Taxi (03.10.11); Strong Heart Ep. 3)
MC Mong (his favorite member is Yoona) (Hello Baby; Strong Heart; Champagne)
Mister Kim, *in charge of purchasing livestock products*, revealed that for Yoona he is willing to provide her a lifetime supply of meat. (1 vs. 100 with Yoona)
Naoki Ogi "Mama", *Education critic/professor*, said that his favorite SNSD member is Yoona (Japanese show, May 2011)
Oh Jae Moo, *child actor*, confessed to liking Yoona. (Taxi; Night Star; Conference Press for drama Baker King)
One Way's Chance said Yoona is his celebrity crush (or something to that effect). (MYX Interview in the Philippines)
Park Hae Il, *actor*, chose Yoona as his 'Ideal Type' saying that she has a melting smile. (UnionPress article)
Park Hyun Bin, *trot singer*, dotes on Yoong; raised his hand when asked who has interest in Yoona. (MVAD; Hello Baby Ep. 17; 1 vs. 100 with Yoona; Strong Heart Ep. 3)
Park Ji Sung, *captain of the South Korea national football team, most decorated footballer in Asian history*, people speculated that he likes Yoona because he only smiled when she performed her part in Oh. (TV News)
Roller Coaster Lee SangSoon *k-pop band singer* likes Yoona & Sooyoung. (Park Myung-soo's Radio Show)
Romeo Tan, *Philippines actor*, is a well-known fanboy of Yoona to his fans from The Juliet Club. (Twitter: @_hwangmiyoung, August 2011)
Rongdao *National (China) football player* (Rongdao's personal blog)
Seo Junyoung, *actor*, said that he would like to act with Yoona; likes her the most in SNSD; admires her abilities in singing and acting and is attracted to her flawless appearance. (bnt News Interview March 2011)
SG Wannabe Kim Young Jun (We Got Married: Hwang Jung Eum, his wife, more or less said it.)
SHINee JongHyun stated that Yoona's and his personality fit well; said that he likes her. (Flower Boys Generation; SGB: Idol Special)
SHINee Minho thinks Yoona is the prettiest. (SangSangPlus)
SHINee Onew fell for Yoona's wink in the Innisfree CF. (SangSangPlus)
Shinhwa Andy chose Yoona as his 'Ideal Girl' multiple times. (Radio Star, 2008; Champagne, 2009)
Shinhwa Junjin said Yoona is his favorite SNSD member. (Infinite Challenge Ep. w/ SNSD)
Shinhwa Minwoo/M likes Yoona (Star Junior Show (revealed by his mom); you can see it also in Hello Baby.
Shizuru Murakami, *Japanese comedian*, finds Yoona to be the cutest in Shoujo Jidai (SNSD); Yoona is the most important to him & if she joined KARA, he might be on KARA's side too. (personal Twitter)
SlayerS_BoxeR (Lim Yo-Hwan), *pro-gamer a.k.a. The Emperor*, said that Yoona was his favorite SNSD member after signing a Yoona card presented by one of his fans. (fanaccount by Sky2934, 2011)
Song Chang Ui, *musical actor, actor*, wrote "If it's Yoona, then I'm Cinderella Man." (Star Self-Cam)
Song Seung Hun *actor*. Yoona made it to his final 'Ideal Girl World Cup' twice: the 1st time, she lost to Han Ga-In and the 2nd time, he couldn't chose between her & Kim Tae Hee. (Shin Dong Yup's Sweet Night; Show)
SS501 Kim Hyung Joon (SGB; Star King)
Stéphane Ruffier, *goalkeeper of AS Monaco*, is a fan of SNSD and his favorite members are Yoona and Yuri.
Super Junior Heechul thinks Yoona is the prettiest female celebrity he has ever seen. (Heechul's Official Twitter; Family Outing Season 2)
Super Junior Kangin chose Yoona through 3 rounds of the 'Ideal Girl World Cup'. (Champagne, 2009; I have an Uncle (2 episodes))
Super Junior Leeteuk keeps/kept asking Yoona to marry him in the future; she is his 'Ideal Type'; his ideal girl is a combination of Taeyeon, Yoona & Seohyun. (Strong Heart Ep. 4; other show)
Tokuyi Yoshimi, *actor, comedian*, talked about how he liked Yoona on a radio program. (Kyoto Real, July 2011)
Toshihiko Tahara, *Japanese singer, former idol*, mentioned that he loves Yoona and that she is his favorite. (His Ambeblo Blog, Feb 2012)
U-Kiss Eli had a pained expression (in a good way) upon seeing Yoona's Innisfree Ad in a magazine.
V6 Miyake Ken chose out of SNSD, "like everybody else", Yoona as the member he liked the most because of her "cuteness" and "beautiful legs". (Ken's radio show (06.08.2011))
V.O.S Kim Kyung Rok likes Yoona & obviously favors her. (other sources; Hello Baby Ep. 6)
Wang Seokhyun, *child actor*, chose Yoona as his favorite, etc. (Invincible Saturday: I have an Uncle (4 episodes))
Yoo Jae-Seok (MC Yoo), *show host & comedian*, secretly wanted to be chosen by Yoona; treats her favorably whenever she appears on his shows. (Running Man Ep. 39, 63 & 64; Family Outing Ep. 36 & 37; MVAD)
Yoon Sang Hyun *actor* (Interview)
Yu Shirota, *Popular Japanese actor, singer & model*, tweeted: "SNSD's Yoona is cute!!!" (Shirota's Personal Twitter: @U_and_YOU, June 2011)
Zakiyama, *Japanese comedian*, revealed that Yoona is 2nd as his Ideal Girl Type & favorite Soshi; shouted "It's her! It's her!" when she appeared in Gee PV. (TV Asahi London Hearts, 02.01.11; other show)
ZE:A Hyungshik (need source)
ZE:A Junyoung wanted to choose Yoona but fellow member Kwanghee had already chosen her. (ZE:A's Press Conference in Singapore)
ZE:A Kwanghee chose Yoona as the SNSD member he would like to be, because he feels they both have the prettiest smiles in the band. (ZE:A's Press Conference in Singapore)
Yoona's Fangirls List :

AKB48 Miho Miyazaki said "I like SNSD's Yoona. I think she is really cute and I like her very much."; she feels like crying because she can't understand Korean, but now she is learning the language. (Radio Show, 2011)
AKB48's Natsuko Sato commented that "Yoona is very cool, I can't fall asleep. Yoona is so cute that I can't sleep TT TT TT TT" upon watching SNSD's 'The Boys' MV (KOR ver). (Dec. 2011)
AKB48 'Team K' Yonezawa Rumi said her favorite Soshi members are Yoona and Yuri.
After School Uee was clearly fangirling on Yoona upon meeting her. (We Got Married)
Asakura Yuki, *gravure idol*, ABSOLUTELY LOVES Yoona, she fell in love with her at first sight, and if she were a boy she would fall in love with her; she's also a fan of Cinderella Man. (Yuki's personal blog)
Brown Eyed Girls Ga-In admires Yoona's cuteness & her acting skills since Yoona several acting awards won as a newcomer actress. (Golden Fishery)
Choi Hwa Jung, *actress, radio DJ*, said that she became best friends w/ Yoona after Intimate Note; keeps contact w/ Yoona more than she does others. (Intimate Note, 2009; Champagne, 2009)
Goo Hye Sun, *actress, movie producer*, was shy, loves Yoong's aegyo & praised Yoona's beauty. (Win Win Ep. 18)
Jung Ryeo-won, *ex-member of Chakra, actress, model*, wrote that her favorite SNSD members were Yoona & Tiffany. (Blog, 2009)
KARA Kang Jiyoung thinks that among girl groups members, Yoona is the prettiest girl without makeup. (Taxi with KARA)
KARA Nicole Jung thinks that among girl groups members, Yoona is the prettiest girl without makeup. She also wanted to become friends with Yoona. (Taxi with KARA; SGB)
Kim Gayoung, *will debut in May 2011 in a girl group*, stated in an interview that "Yoona is my role model." (Interview)
Kim Leena, *lyricist*, praised her beauty: "All my personal preference vanished because of Yoona’s beautiful face. I wanted to avoid the mirror after seeing Yoona in real life." (2010 Melon Music Award)
Lyn (Lee Se-jin), *South Korean singer*, likes Yoong so much that she named one of her nieces 'Yoona'. (2009 MNet Super100 Idols)
Maruyama Yumi, *fashionista*, thinks Yoona is super cute. (Yumi's personal blog)
Miyama Karen, *actress*, mentions she's a fan of Yoona and thinks she's cute; she's also a fan of You Are My Destiny. (Karen's personal blog)
Murata Mari, *fashion model*, mentions that she's a huge fan of Yoona. (Mari's personal blog)
Nanako, *model*, loves Yoona's bangs; her mother and her are in love with her. (Nanako's personal blog)
Oguchi Momoko, *fashion model*, says she's a fan of Yoona. (Momoko's personal blog)
Oku Yuri, *fashion model*, mentions that Yoona is her favorite SNSD member. (Yuri's personal blog)
Palette Asa, *singer*, loves Yoona's drama You Are My Destiny. (Asa's personal blog)
Park Kyung-lim, *entertainer, comedian, MC, show host*, described Yoona as unsurpassed beauty. (Interview)
PASSPO Fujimoto Yukimi, *idol singer*, thinks Yoona is so cute, she's a fan of her drama and she wants a small face and style like Yoona. (Yukimi's personal blog)
Sasaki Moyoko, *model*, thinks Yoona is adorable. (Moyoko's personal blog)
Satou Aoi, *fashion model*, mentions her favourite members are Yoona & Sooyoung. (Aoi's personal blog)
Seki Ayano, *fashion model*, stated that her favourite SNSD member is Yoona and she bought Yoona's Innisfree products. (Ayano's personal blog)
Shibata Shoko, *gravure idol*, says she loves Yoona and thinks Yoona's Innisfree song is 'super super cute'. (Shoko's personal blog)
Sung Yuri, *member of Fin.K.L (inactive girl group)*, thinks that Yoona is really pretty. (Interview)
Yonemura Misaki, *actress*, mentionned that her favorite SNSD member is Yoona. (Misaki's personal blog)

Yoona Popularity Polling :

-- SNSD Yoona is on the 1st place for 'Idol with the most seductive eyes'. (June 2009)
-- SNSD Yoona is on the 1st place for 'Idol with eyes that resemble a snow flower/prettiest eyes'. (Eye Clinic)(Dec 2009)(65.5%)
-- SNSD Yoona is on the 1st place for 'Beautiful Star with an egg line (face shape)'. (Wonjin)(Jan 2010)(67.2%)
-- SNSD Yoona is on the 1st place for 'The top female artists they want to spend the hottest season with'.
-- SNSD Yoona is on the 1st place for 'The Star You'd Want to kiss on the Coming-of-Age day'. (Poll DCinside.com)(May 6th-13th 2010)(14.2%)(1189 votes)
-- SNSD Yoona is on the 1st place for 'Which celebrity born in 1990 has the biggest potential to go far?'. (May 2010)(91point)
-- SNSD Yoona is on the 1st place for 'The Idol With the Prettiest No Make-up Face'.
-- SNSD Yoona is on the 1st place for 'Which Idol Star Has The Most Beautiful Smile?'. (Seoul Jamsil's Dentistry)(Nov 20th-Dec 3rd 2010)(49.4%)(352 patients)
-- SNSD Yoona is on the 1st place for 'The woman that most females want to be like'. (Dec 2009)
-- SNSD Yoona is on the 1st place for 'The Celebrity With the Healthiest Skin'. (Dec 2009)
-- SNSD Yoona is on the 1st place for 'The Star/Celebrity With the Hottest Hairstyle'. (Hair clinic LeeMun)(Dec 2009)(54.4%)(345 patients in total)
-- SNSD Yoona is on the 1st place for 'If born again, which celebrity/star appearance would you like to have?'. (Nov 24-Dec 6 2010)(57.1%)(9687 votes)
-- SNSD Yoona is on the 1st place for 'The Idol That Would Be The Most Difficult To Forget As First Love'. (Movie web)(Nov-Dec 2010)(51%)
-- SNSD Yoona is on the 1st place for 'Japanese fans' favorite SNSD member'. (34.9%)(16,688 voters)
-- SNSD Yoona is on the 1st place for 'Beauty ranking among SM's female singers'. (Bestiz)(70% is general views, 30% is writer's view)(Dec 2010)
-- SNSD Yoona is on the 1st place for 'Best Actress of 2010'. (Daum Star Ranking poll)(Dec 2010)(45.4%)
-- SNSD Yoona is on the 1st place for 'Sexiest female singer'. (Go Kpop Music Awards 2010)
-- SNSD Yoona is on the 1st place for 'Prettiest K-idol' in an Arabic poll. (2010)
-- SNSD Yoona is on the 1st place for 'Singers who have the best manners in greetings/brightest greetings'. (Tiffany is also tied for 1st.)(Music Bank's 500th Ep.)(Staff poll)(2010)
-- SNSD Yoona is on the 1st place for 'Who is the most favorite member of SNSD?'. (Magazine SURE; Research results)(March 2011)(26.64%)
-- SNSD Yoona is on the 1st place for 'Which Star Do You Want to Spend the White Day With?'. (Red Hills survey)(#2 Kim Tae Hee; #3 Jeon Ji Hyun)(March 3rd-9th 2011)(37.8%)(219 votes)
-- SNSD Yoona is on the 1st place for 'Female Star you would like to give CANDY as a PRESENT?'. (Ohdio Poll)(March 2011)(63%)
-- SNSD Yoona is on the 1st place for 'Y-Star "궁금타" Mothers choice of Idols Best 7'. (Idols loved by mothers)(March 2011)(258 mothers out of 300)
-- SNSD Yoona is on the 1st place for 'The celebrity most wanted as a humanoid-robot!'. (Survey)(April 2011)(76%)(257,001 votes out of 334,784 total participants)
-- SNSD Yoona is on the 1st place for 'Undeniable Female Idol Visual Top 7'. (Bestiz)(April 6th-20th 2011)(93%)(293, 523 votes in total)
-- SNSD Yoona is on the 1st place for 'The Top 5 Stars who look gorgeous without make-up'. (Arirang TV's Pops in Seoul)(May 2011)
-- SNSD Yoona is on the 1st place for 'The Best Acting Idol Poll'. (DKPopNews Poll)(May 2011)(25%)(10,162 votes)
-- SNSD Yoona is on the 1st place for 'The Best to Become A Female Figure Skating Idol'. (Daum Poll)(May 24th-June 7th 2011)(54%)(526,105 votes)
-- SNSD Yoona is on the 1st place for 'The Most Popular Members of Idol Groups!!'. (Arirang TV's Pops in Seoul)(June 2011)
-- SNSD Yoona is on the 1st place for 'Best 'Girl Idol' That Makes Samchon Fans Scream'. (She tied with Taeyeon.)(ELLE Korea)(June 2011)
-- SNSD Yoona is on the 1st place for 'Best 5!! The Most Popular Members of Idol Groups!!'. (Arirang TV's Pops in Seoul)(July 2011)
-- SNSD Yoona is on the 1st place for 'Becoming a thrilling horror film starring Star'. (Daum Poll)(July 25th-Aug 8th 2011)(34%)(25,197 votes in total)
-- SNSD Yoona is on the 1st place for '새콤달콤 맛있는 요리 잘 만들 것 같은 스타는?'. (NEED TRANSLATION) (Daum Poll)(July 26th-Aug 8th 2011)(41%)(17,527 votes in total)
-- SNSD Yoona is on the 1st place for '순정만화에서 툭! 하고 나온 것 같은 스타는?'. (NEED TRANSLATION) (Daum Poll)(July 29th-Aug 7th 2011)(28%)(32,286 votes in total)
-- SNSD Yoona is on the 1st place for '그룹별로 팬이 제일 많을것 같은 멤버는?'. (NEED TRANSLATION) (Daum Poll)(July 21st-Aug 4th 2011)(43%)(24,820 votes in total)
-- SNSD Yoona is on the 1st place for 'Idol star who possesses deer-like eyes that make you want to protect her?'. (Survey; xsportsnews.com)(Aug 2nd-29th 2011)(43%)(159 votes)
-- SNSD Yoona is on the 1st place for 'Star in their 20's ascending as an emerging tycoon/7 Filthy Rich Star Celebrities in their 20s'. (tvN enews)(Aug 4th 2011)
-- SNSD Yoona is on the 1st place for 'Who are the top twos who go best with military uniform?'. (S Edu Poll)(Sept 7th-29th 2011)(31.7%)(511 voters in total)
-- SNSD Yoona is on the 1st place for 'Celebrity Too Attractive to Keep as Just a Friend.'. (Nate Survey)(Oct 2011)(94%)
-- SNSD Yoona is on the 1st place for 'Plastic surgeons rank the best looking male and female idols'. (Won Jin Plastic Surgery)(Oct 2011)(7 points)
-- SNSD Yoona is on the 1st place for 'Which Girl Group member will most likely to be successful as an actress?'. (Oct 2011)(75.41%)(2,138 votes)
-- SNSD Yoona is on the 1st place for 'Won Bin & SNSD's YoonA voted as the #1 stars netizens want to hold hands with.'. (CJLION)(Oct 2011)(26%)(3,161 votes)
-- SNSD Yoona is on the 1st place for 'The most beautiful/best natural beauty in the Korean entertainment industry.'. (Y-STAR)(Oct 2011)
-- SNSD Yoona is on the 1st place for 'SNSD's YoonA selected as most intelligent female idol.'. (Clinic in Seoul Gangnam’s Seochowon)(Oct 2011)(54.2%)(148 votes)
-- SNSD Yoona is on the 1st place for 'Which female K-Pop star would you want to spend White Day with?". (Survey by SevenEdu.net)(Feb 25th-March 8th 2012)(28%)(494 voters in total)
-- SNSD Yoona is on the 1st place for 'Who is an Endless First Love Icon?'. (Monkey 3)(March 29th-April 4th 2012)(39.8%)(103 votes)

-- SNSD Yoona is on the 2nd place for 'The Most Popular Group's Member'. (Mixi Japan)(Oct 2010)(5.500 members)
-- SNSD Yoona is on the 2nd place for 'Female idol making a rice cake the most beautiful and brightest'. (Rotiboy)(Sept 2010)
-- SNSD Yoona is on the 2nd place for 'If a star could come as Santa to my house'.
-- SNSD Yoona is on the 2nd place for 'Who will be the big star of the small screen?'.
-- SNSD Yoona is on the 2nd place for 'Which girl group member is the most popular in Japan?'. (SNS Mixi)(Sept 2010)(5,500 members)
-- SNSD Yoona is on the 2nd place for 'Most Athletic Idol'. The ONLY female in the top 3. (DCNews)(Nov 9th-16th 2010)(27.3%)
-- SNSD Yoona is on the 2nd place for 'Best Skin Among Female Idol'. (STV)(Nov 29-Dec 10 2010)(712 participants in total)
-- SNSD Yoona is on the 2nd place for 'The Most Beautiful Face among Idol Girl Groups'. (tvN)(Jan 2011)(109 votes)
-- SNSD Yoona is on the 2nd place for 'Female celebrity you want to travel with on a trip to Huis Ten Bosch Resort'. (2011)
-- SNSD Yoona is on the 2nd place for 'STAR you want to give CANDY on WHITE DAY'. (March 2011)(18.1%)(105 votes)
-- SNSD Yoona is on the 2nd place for 'Favorite Female Idol in Wedding Dress'. (DKPOPNEWS Poll)(July 2011)(20%)(5,866 votes)
-- SNSD Yoona is on the 2nd place for 'Pretty Face Singer'. 1st if not including male singers. (MNet Idol Chart Show)(Aug 2011)
-- SNSD Yoona is on the 2nd place for '2011 Top 50 Most Prettiest Korean Female Idol'. (Nov 2011)
-- SNSD Yoona is on the 2nd place for 'The Best-looking Female Idol'. (Every1 Weekly Idol)(Feb 4th 2012)

-- SNSD Yoona is on the 3rd place for 'Most desirable bachelorettes among Korean celebrities'. (KBS)(Feb 2009)
-- SNSD Yoona is on the 3rd place for 'Most Lovable Idol'. (Sport Chosun)(Oct 2010)(16%)
-- SNSD Yoona is on the 3rd place for 'Top 30 female idols'.
-- SNSD Yoona is on the 3rd place for 'The girl group member with the best beauty eyes'. (MK)(Oct 2010)(26.2%)
-- SNSD Yoona is on the 3rd place for 'Who’s the fairest K-pop female of them all?'. (tvN)(Jan 2010)(22points)
-- SNSD Yoona is on the 3rd place for 'Idol who'd be the most successful as an actor'. (Portal Website)(June 2010)(8%)
-- SNSD Yoona is on the 3rd place for 'Best actors/actresses amongst idols'. 2nd if not include male singer.
-- SNSD Yoona is on the 3rd place for 'The female idol celebrity that wouldn't be afraid of being in a deserted house and would enjoy it instead?'. (Nate)(Aug 2010)(11%)
-- SNSD Yoona is on the 3rd place for 'Idol whose future will be most likely successful'. (Dec 2010)
-- SNSD Yoona is on the 3rd place for 'Which female star born on the year of 1990 would brighten the year of 2011's South Korea?'. (ETN FunFun Ranking Show)(Jan 12th 2011)(19%)
-- SNSD Yoona is on the 3rd place for 'Star of Asia'. 1st if not including male stars.(Chinese portal site)(Feb 2011)
-- SNSD Yoona is on the 3rd place for 'Natural Beauty ranking (ranking old & new)'. (KBS: Generation Sympathy Saturday- Ranking Old & New)(#1 Kim Tae Hee; #2 Jung Yoon Hee)(Feb 2011)
-- SNSD Yoona is on the 3rd place for 'Best face shape'. (NEED AN ACCURATE ENGLISH TRANSLATION.) (March 2011)(24.1%)(72 patients)
-- SNSD Yoona is on the 3rd place for 'Female Idols Who Would Still Look Awesome Ten Years from Now'. (She tied with KARA's Goo Hara)(cr: dkpop)(April 2011)
-- SNSD Yoona is on the 3rd place for 'Which celebrity you want to go on a summer vacation with?'. 1st if not including male singers/actors. (MNet Idol Chart Show EP 15)(July 2011)
-- SNSD Yoona is on the 3rd place for 'Best Looking Idol in Real Life According to 88 Idols (Female).'. (Every1 Weekly Idol)(Sept 3rd 2011)(13 votes)
-- SNSD Yoona is on the 3rd place for 'Rich Idol Best 10'. (Every1 Weekly Idol)(Sept 10th 2011)
-- SNSD Yoona is on the 3rd place for '한류돌 신흥 재벌 베스트 (Hallyu Idol Burgeoning Conglomerate)'. 1st if not including male idols. (K-Star News)(Sept 16th 2011)
-- SNSD Yoona is on the 3rd place for 'The Prettiest Girl Group Member with the Best Face Line'. (Plastic Surgery Clinic Poll from Jan 30th-Feb 29th)(March 1st 2012)(26.7%)(130 votes of 486)

-- SNSD Yoona is on the 4th place for 'Who will remain active in society with the husband while continuing to self-develop'. (Wedian)(Feb 2010)(94point)
-- SNSD Yoona is on the 4th place for 'Artist: Choose favorite fellow artist'. (KOR Magz)(Sept 2010)
-- SNSD Yoona is on the 4th place for 'Most Wanted Face for Babies'. The ONLY idol in the top 4. (Baby Fair)(July 2011)(400 mothers-to-be voted in total)
-- SNSD Yoona is on the 4th place for 'Who is the best actor/actress in the idol scene?'. (Entertainment Weekly)(Aug 2011)
-- SNSD Yoona is on the 5th place for 'Which artist is likely to fall/collapse if they took a long bath!?'. (tv-Asahi Music Station (Japan))(Jan 2011)
-- SNSD Yoona is on the 5th place for 'Most Beautiful Face of This Generation'. The ONLY IDOL in the top 6: Impressive achievement as such outcome is rare for an Idol. (couple.net; Newsis)(May 2011)
-- SNSD Yoona is on the 6th place for 'ETN Best Looking Member of Idol group Top 10'. 3rd if not including male idols. (ETN)(Dec 2009)
-- SNSD Yoona is on the 6th place for 'Rising Stars'. (Poll)(May 2011)
-- SNSD Yoona is on the 6th place for ''It' Item'. (MNet Idol Chart Show EP 17)(Aug 2011)
-- SNSD Yoona is on the 7th place for 'The top 9 female idols that would look the sexiest while wearing a bikini'.
-- SNSD Yoona is on the 7th place for 'Star most suitable to play the heroine in Korean version of 'Black Swan'?'. (March 2011)(3.1%)
-- SNSD Yoona is on the 7th place for 'Stars who have the 'Golden Beauty Ratio'?'. The ONLY IDOL on the chart. (Y-STAR EP 128)(Aug 2011)
-- SNSD Yoona is on the 8th place for 'Ranking of individual member of each group based on Daum FanCafe member'. 2nd if not including male singer. (2009)
-- SNSD Yoona is on the 8th place for 'Ranking of individual member of each group based on Daum FanCafe member'. 2nd if not including male singer. (Second year with same results.) (2010)
-- SNSD Yoona is on the 8th place for 'Most thoughtful idol stars who serve as role models'. (Arirang TV's Pops in Seoul)(May 2011)
-- SNSD Yoona is on the 8th place for 'Awareness Ranking Top 10 Female (Name and face of Hallyu stars that readers know the most)'. The ONLY female idol in the top 10. (Nikkei.com; Japan Economy News))(Sept 2011)
-- SNSD Yoona is on the 9th place for 'Top 30 Best Looking Idols’. (MNet)(Oct 2010)
-- SNSD Yoona is on the 9th place for '??'. (WAITING ON SUBBED VER.) (Mnet Idol Chart Show EP 20)(Aug 2011)
-- SNSD Yoona is on the 10th place for '??'. (WAITING ON SUBBED VER.) (MNet Wide News)(July 2011)
-- SNSD Yoona is on the 10th place for 'The most beautiful stars in Korea'. She & IU are the ONLY 2 idols in the TOP 15. (Y-STAR TOP50)(Aug 2011)(339 voters)
-- SNSD Yoona is on the 12th place for '(Idol) Rich Star'. (For 1st-half of 2011 ONLY.) (MNet Idol Chart Show EP 05)(May 2011)
-- SNSD Yoona is on the 13th place for 'Spring 2011 - Hot Girl Ranking'. (June 2011)
-- SNSD Yoona is on the 16th place for 'Top 20 Forever Cute Idol Stars'. 7th if not including male singers.
-- SNSD Yoona is on the 16th place for 'Idols who will always be young and cute'. 6th if not including male singers.
-- SNSD Yoona is on the 19th place for 'Forbes Korea 2010 : The most hard-working idols in 2009'. (Forbes Korea)(2010)
-- SNSD Yoona is on the 20th place for 'Popularity Ranking Top 30 Female Stars (Hallyu stars who are most popular)'. The ONLY female idol in the top 30. (Nikkei.com; Japan Economy News)(Sept 2011)
-- SNSD Yoona is on the 41st place for '2011 Female Celeb ranking chosen by J-League players (who they liked)'. (Japan)(Feb 2011)

Yoona Versus Stars :

-- SNSD Yoona wins VS Go Ara the title 'A doll? Or a people? Who possesses a doll-like beauty?'. (Jan 24th-30th 2008)
-- SNSD Yoona wins VS 2NE1 Dara the title 'The QUEEN with TWINKLING skin is?'. (Daum Poll)(March 2011)(60%)(2,224,322 votes)
-- SNSD Yoona wins VS Kim Tae Hee. (NOT SURE IN WHAT YET.) (Poll)(April 8th-22nd 2011)(89%)(283,601 votes)
-- SNSD Yoona wins VS Lee Jongki for 'The best message sent to HaHa' when he opened his restaurant. (POLL IS FINISHED, but I don't have the final results) (Poll)(April 27th-May 11th 2011)(91%)(144,110 votes to date)
-- SNSD Yoona wins VS F(x) Victoria for 'Best Noona for SHINee's 'Noona, you're so pretty (Replay)''. (Daum Poll)(May 30th-June 13th 2011)(55%)(2,971,331 votes)
-- SNSD Yoona wins VS SISTAR Hyorin in the category 'Who is the Terminator of Cosmetics Pictorial?'. (Poll)(Aug 2011)(70.8%)